Table of Contents - Volume 11, Issue 2, 2022

Principal component analysis in maize land races (Zea mays L.) under irrigated and
moisture stress conditions

Sravani D*1 and Sumalini K 2 and Pandarwara3 and Usharani G1 and Vanisri S4 and Madhukar Rao P5 and Rajinikanth, E6 and Vijaybhaskar, A 7 and Manjulatha, G5

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Response of Various Rooting Media on Growth of Stools and Soil Hydro Thermal Conditions (Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture) using Different Apple Clonal Rootstocks through Layering

Sheikh Mehraj1* and A. H. Pandit1 and Mohammed Tauseef Ali1 and H. A. Malik2 and I. A. Bisati1

Views Count: 403
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Development of novel SNP/InDel markers through amplicon sequencing in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)

Venkatesha S.C1* and Prakash G. Patil 2

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Phytochemical Studies in Capparis divaricata Lam. leaf extract using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and HPTLC Fingerprinting

K. Swetha1 and G Prabhakar2 and Kandula Jayapaul3 and B. Kiran Kumar1

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Identification of drought-tolerant traditional cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different terminal water stress environments

Bidhan Roy and Swarnajit Debbarma and SK Chakraborty

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Studies on Combining Ability in Newly Developed Inbred Lines of Maize (Zeamays L.) for Yield and Quantitative Traits

Varshitha K1 and Usharani G2* and Sravani D3 and Prasanna K L4

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Interaction of Continuous Fertilization Practices on Tembotrione Degradation in Tropical Soil of India

Mahesh Rewar1 and P. Janaki1* and G. Manimaran1 and D. Jayanthi1 and A. Ramalakshmi2

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Impact of Microclimatic Regime on Growth, Yield and Requirement of Growing Degree Days of Kharif Rice (Oryza sativaL.) under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam

R. Kalita1* and R. K. Thakuria2 and B. K Medhi3 and R. Borah4 and M. Saikia5

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Climate Change Impact on Pests and Disease Intensity of Rice

Kasthuri Rajamani1* and Lydia Chintagunta2 and G. Bhupal Raj2

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