Effect of vermicompost utilization as a media in different proportions on growth, yield and quality of Capsicum
Khushi Agarwal , Amod Kumar , Subhash KC , Mukul Brawed , Anita Jaswal
Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture Lovely Professional University, Phagwara 144 411 Punjab, India.
Corresponding Author Email: anita.27139@lpu.co.in
DOI : https://doi.org/10.61739/TBF.2023.12.2.465
How to increase the sustainability of the agricultural system is a major concern on a worldwide scale.
This had led to an increase in the use of organic fertilizers which aids in mitigating problems
associated with synthetic fertilizers. Vermicompost is one such organic fertilizer used. It is basically
an enriched compost prepared with the use of earthworms. This paper reports the influence of
vermicompost prepared from cow dung on the growth and flowering of capsicum. The study was
conducted using a plastic pot set-up, a total of seven distinct potting media were created by
combining various amounts of soil and vermicompost. The present study was carried out on the basis
of a Completely Random Design (CRD) with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The obtained results
from the present research indicate that overall adding vermicompost to potting media has a
significant positive impact on capsicums the addition of vermicompost led to improved the yield of
capsicum cultivars as compared to control. Also, different treatments containing various proportions
of vermicompost, seem to have distinct differences between them in terms of their effect on plant
height, stem girth, leaf area, leaf count, number of fruits, the weight of fruits, etc this had led to
finding the best proportion of soil and vermicompost to be used for plant growth. Overall T4-
Vermicompost + Soil (1:3 ratio), containing 75 % vermicompost showed the best results for almost
all parameters under study.