Review An Investigation of The Effects of Macro and Micro elements on the Production of High-Quality Seed

S. Patra*

Crop Research and Seed Multiplication farm-to be tenable at Botany Department The University of Burdwan, Burdwan-713104, East Burdwan, West Bengal, India

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macroelements, microelements; seed germination, seed vigour

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Seeds available in the market are often very poor in quality in respect of germination, varietal purity, seed viability etc. The scarcity of quality seeds of crops in India during growing season is important issue till now due to lower production of quality seeds in a limited area. The possible way to produce the maximum quantity of quality seed, through manipulation of existing method of cultivation such as planting geometry, fertilization, irrigation and other cultural management practices are essential.The quality of seeds plays a critical role in the economic production of all crops. In this connection, numerous articles detailing the impact of changes in seed quality on seedling emergence and crop growth in a variety of species have been published (Powell, Matthewws, and Oliveria,1984; Tekrony and Egli, 1991).

Poor crop stand can promote weed populations causing competition for water, light and limiting nutrients (Kropff and van Laar, 1993). It has been shown that the absence of some essential elements, such as Mg and Zn in most of the chemical fertilizers may be partly responsible for the low yield of maize in the semi-arid zones of northern Ghana (Abunyewa and Mercer-Quarshie 2004). Micronutrient deficiency is severing problem in soil and plants worldwide (Imtiaz et al., 2010) while appropriate quality of micronutrients is necessary for better growth, better flowering, higher fruit set, higher yield, quality and post-harvest life of horticultural products (Raja, E. M., 2009; Ram, R. A., Bose, T. K., 2000; Shekhar C et al, 2010 ; Sourour M.M., 2000)while its deficiency leads in lowering the productivity (Karuna, al, 2019 and Zagade P.M et al., 2017).A staple fertilization program with macronutrients and micronutrients in plant nutrition is very essential in the high production of crop yield with good quality seed, so there is a need balance use of fertilizers and agronomic procedures are needed to increase yield of this crop. The function of macronutrients and micronutrients is vital in crop nutrition for improved yield and seed quality (Saeed B et al., 2012. The soil contains the majority of the nutrients that plants need to build their tissues, produce their nucleic acids, enzymes, and maintain their osmotic equilibrium. For healthy and productive crops, plants must maintain a balance of 15 components, 12 of which are provided by the soil and are controlled by farmers (e.g., macro nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and micro nutrients like iron, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper). Mineral nutrient stores in the seed must be sufficient to maintain seedling growth until root uptake starts to feed soil nutrients. Numerous studies have shown the significance of this, particularly for crops grown on soils with low nitrogen supply (Asher, 1987). One of the various methods used in seed farming to address seed nutrition at its most crucial point, i.e. seed filling, is supplemental foliar treatment (Shibles et al., 1975). It is generally known that major, minor, and macronutrients can be applied to seed crops through foliar spray (De, 1967; Kramer, 1969), and that micronutrients in particular, can improve the qualities of seeds more than soil application or dusting (Sabir Ahmed, 1989).Crop cultivation depends on a healthy soil environment. How well seeds establish, grow, and produce quality seeds is greatly influenced by the soil fertility, pH of the soil, microbial community, structural and textural quality of the soil, and other elements of the soil. There is a lack of information on this subject, and only a few studies, namely the impact of macro- and micronutrients on seed performance, have been thoroughly studied by academics. These are listed below:

Effect of Nitrogen

Application of nitrogen (N) encourages soil to absorb nutrients(Halder NKet al, 1998). When N application is increased, the oil quality deteriorates as a result of an increase in erucic acid and a drop in the concentrations of linoleic and oleic acids (Gupta et al., 2002).Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) seeds from parent plants grown in fields with high nitrogen levels exhibited considerably better pre- and post-storage germination rates than seeds from plants that did not receive additional nitrogen fertilizer (Das 1990). According to Austin (1972), A significant development of germination inhibitors in the fruits of high-nitrogen plants may be the cause of the reduced geminability of high-nitrogen fruit observed in previous investigations (Sneddon, 1963; Scott, 1969).

Effect of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is essential for the synthesis of ADP and ATP, phospholipids, and nucleic acids as well as the activity of enzymes (Thompson LR and Torch FR, 1978). Therefore, it is essential for the development of roots, flowers, fruits, and seeds(Smil 2000). Talooth et al., (1989) studied how different sources of Phosphorus affected soybean growth, and found that when applied at a rate of up to 150 kg per hectare, all Phosphorusfertilizers increased soybean seed yield. Raboy and Dickinson (1987) observed that increasing the total Phosphorus nutrition from the third week after flowering linearly increased its transfer to growing seeds till physiological maturity. When a soybean reaches physiological maturity, the seed quality is at its maximum (Egli and Tekrony, 1995) and if seed is not harvested at this stage, the seed quality declines due to daily fluctuation in the seed moisture and field environment.

Effect of potassium

Studies on wheat have shown that a deficiency in potassium supply to the planting material reduces the development period of the developing grain, which is accompanied with an earlier presence of the ABA maximum and an enhancement in its exact amount. (Haeder & Beringer, 1981a).Potassium helps to increase the absorption of nitrogen (Sing SP, Verma AB.2001; Vigidal SM). It has been implicated with the maintenance of good seed quality as significantly lower levels of diseased seed produced when levels of potassium in the soil increased (Crittenden and Svec, 1974).

Effect of calcium

Burton et al. (2000) investigated the effects of Ca on soybean seed quality and production and discovered that lower Ca levels affected seed filling, seed production, seed germination, and the occurrence of aberrant seedlings. Similar negative consequences of low Ca levels in plants leading to poor seed quality issues such decreased germination and vigor have been documented (Keiser and Mullen, 1993).Loss of membrane integrity is the main consequence of calcium shortage in plant cells (Hetch-Buchholz, 1979) and a faulty and stunted root system is a sign of Ca-deficient plants (Nelson and Niedziela 1998); Therefore, it is crucial to externally provide nutrients for crops with shallow roots, like onions, that are unable to collect nutrients from the deep soil profile. Sharma et al. (2010) found that mineral nutrients should be supplied during an active growth stage in order to achieve rapid plant development, a healthy plant stand, a bigger seed harvest, and increased seed quality.

Effect of Magnesium

It stimulates the most enzymes in comparison to other mineral nutrients (Epstein and Bloom 2005). Due to its role as the activator of vital photosynthetic enzymes and the core atom in the chlorophyll molecule, magnesium is a vital component of photosynthesis (Wedding and Black 1988; Portis 1992; Marschner 2012).Seed reserves are a major factor in germination and seedling emergence such as starch (Douglass et al. 1993; Wang et al. 2011), and consequently, for durum wheat, a clear relationship between seed size and seedling vigour was observed (Royo et al. 2006). Quick production and use of ATP is also necessary during germination(Perl 1986; Weitbrecht et al. 2011). The content of ATP and the ability of seeds to germinate were found to be highly correlated in a prior study (Siegenthaler and Douet-Orhant 1944).Mg is necessary for ATP’s synthesis and operation (Boyer 1997; Marschner 2012; Igamberdiev and Kleczkowski 2015), A lack of magnesium in the seed may potentially hinder germination by altering the availability and physiological function of ATP.Mg levels must be enough for sugar transfer in germination of seeds and growth of seedlings.In order to maintain germination, sucrose is transported from the scutellum into the actively growing sink tissues of roots and shoots (Aoki et al. 2006; Scofield et al. 2007) and similarly, as it is in leaves, the translocation of sugars into the sink tissues of sprouting seeds is probably dependent on an adequate supply of magnesium. Chlorosis, caused by a magnesium deficit, causes the leaves to turn yellow and deteriorate the chlorophyll content; yet, a sufficient amount of magnesium makes the plant healthy (Hermans et al., 2010)

Effect of Boron

Oilseed rape has been categorized as a crop that is extremely susceptible to B shortage, hence B nutrition is crucial to its growth. This seems to be caused in part by strong demand for this micronutrient (Camacho-Cristobal et al. 2008; Dell and Huang 1997; Herrera-Rodriguez et al. 2010; Stangoulis et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2014). The growth of roots and shoots is generally slowed or inhibited by inadequate B supply to oilseed rape because it restricts cell expansion and cell division, affects the formation of vascular bundles, and lowers pollen germination and pollen tube growth.Consequently, B deficiency results in decreased seed quality (Dell and Huang 1997), seed abortion, damaged embryos, or shrivelled seeds, lower seed germination, and reduced seed vigour in the following generation of oilseed rape seedlings (Zhao et al. 2012). While seed priming with B (0.02% solution of H3BO3) had no noticeable impact on seed germination in oats (Avena sativa L.), it did enhance tillering, panicle length, and grain weight, which led to an 8.42% increase in grain production when compared to untreated seeds (Saric and Saciragic, 1969).

Effect of Molybdenum

Oilseed rape, one of the most significant commercial and agricultural crops, is sensitive to Mo deficiency in soil, which affects its growth, yield, and seed quality. Liu et al. (2010a) showed that varied amounts of phosphorus (P) had an impact on how much dry matter, chlorophyll concentration, and net photosynthesis ratio (Pn) of seedling leaves changed with the addition of Mo to oilseed rape. Additionally, P fertiliser was clearly the only factor that boosted oilseed rape yield. (Liu et al. 2010b). Yang et al. (2009) also reported that the addition of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) fertilizers led to an increase in seed production when Mo was present. However, with the application of Mo and B fertilizer, the seed quality, including the oil content and oleic and linolec acid contents, increased greatly, whereas the quantities of stearic acid, sulfuric glucosid, and erucic acid declined (Chen et al. 2004). Similar results were also demonstrated under application of Mo and P fertilizers (Liu et al. 2012).

Effect of Mn

Storing of mineral nutrient in seed play a significant role in determining vigour and standard seedling development. Acute Mn deficiency can cause dark necrotic patches to form on leaves, which can cause early leaf loss. Some cereal leaves have white and grey patches, which are symptoms of a Mn deficit (Chang, 1999; Stout and Arnon, 1939).Low manganese (Mn) content in seed resulted in wheat seedlings with low vigour and low  yields (Marcar and Graham, 1986; Singh and Bharti, 1985). Barley and lupin with low Mn level in seed showed delayed germination and seedling development. (Genc et al., 2000; Longenecker et al., 1991; Crosbie et al., 1994). Compared to the untreated control, priming Echinacea purpurea (L.) seed with a 0.1% MnSO4 solution improved germination by 36% and field emergence by 27% (Babaeva et al., 1999). In comparison to soil application, all of the research done on seed priming with Mn have shown a significant improvement in plant establishment, growth, yield, and grain enrichment (Babaeva et al., 1999; Khalid and Malik, 1982; Marcar and Graham, 1986).

Effect of copper

Plants lacking in copper are more susceptible to disease, particularly ergot (a fungus causing reduced yield and grain quality; Solberg et al., 1999). The emergence of disease-related symptoms can make it difficult to distinguish them from symptoms of a copper deficiency. The most vulnerable wheat varieties to copper deficiency are winter and spring wheat (Solberg et al., 1999)

Effect of Sulphur

The responses of different oilseed crops to sulphur application differed significantly (Misra et al., 2002). Due to its higher concentrations of sulphate and S-containing secondary metabolites as compared to other species like wheat, oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a crop with a high S demand (Oenema and Postma, 2003). The pungency of onions is increased by sulphur fertilizer (Paterson DR, 1979). The growth and yield of oil seed crops are typically negatively affected by sulphur shortage as a result of inadequate nutrient supply ( Basumatary et al. 2019). According to Rakesh et al. (2016), As a component of the amino acids methionine, cystein, and cystine, which are necessary for the synthesis of other molecules like coenzyme-A, thiamine, and glutathione as well as for the production of chlorophyll, sulphur plays a crucial role in the growth and development of crops . As a result, plants require this element for oxidation-reduction processes, the production of chlorophyll, and the synthesis of proteins (Kumar and Trivedi, 2011 and Pandey and Ali, 2012).

Effect of Fe and Zn

Iron is transported from the seed coat to the embryo by passing through membranes and the apoplast that separates the two tissues (Wolswinkel, 1992). There is a lack of knowledge on the variables that influence how Fe moves into and out of the seed coat (Marentes and Grusak, 1998), and to make transgenic manipulation easier and to enhance seed [Fe] (Grusak, 2002).

Applying Fe and Zn may have improved photosynthates translocation to the sink, boosted vigour, and accumulated more photosynthates (Kanda and Dixit 1995). In calcareous soil and particularly so in high-pH, drought-prone areas, Fe and Zn shortages in rice frequently arise, which can severely inhibit initial growth and vigour and ultimately reduce rice yield (Katyal and Randhawa 1983). Inter-veinal chlorosis of younger leaves is a symptom of iron deficiency in rice plants, whereas apparent symptoms of zinc deficiency in rice include wilting caused by loss of turgidity, retarded plant development, basal chlorosis, bronzing of leaves, and in some cases seedling death (Neue et al. 1998). The antifungal properties of zinc and other mineral nutrients, as well as zinc’s potential role in the establishment of disease resistance in plants, may be responsible for the decrease in disease incidence and severity under mineral nutrient spray (Graham and Webb 1991). Imran et al. (2014) found that nutrient seed priming increases maize seedling development under low root zone temperature during early growth as well as a large increase in seed contents of the relevant nutrients, i.e., Fe (25%), Zn (500%) Borax (0.50%) and ZnSO4 (0.25%) seed soaking enhanced papaya (Carica papaya L.) stand establishment and growth in the field (Deb et al., 2010). Kaur et al. (2009) further found that seeds treated in Zn (ZnSO4) for 12 hours increased Chlorophytum borivilianum (L.) germination. Similarly, soaking seeds in solutions of Zn-EDTA and fritted Zn increased yield and Zn uptake, but the efficiency of each source’s Zn uptake varied (Kang and Okoro, 1976).


Having revised the overall picture on effect of macro and micronutrients on seed performance, it is clearly stated the impact and non impact portion at different stages of cropgrowth and development. Therefore, farmers and growers who are involved in seed production for harvesting quality seed, should be aware initiallyabout the effect of macro and micronutrients for applying good management practices.


Thanks to the staff of Crop Research and Seed Multiplication Farm, The University of Burdwan for collecting web based information


No conflict of interest.


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