Growth and yield of proso millet varieties as influenced by different dates of sowing
An experiment was conducted on “Evaluation of proso millet varieties with respect to dates of sowing” during Rabi season 2019-20 & 2020-21 at Agricultural Research Station, Jangamaheswarapuram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India with an aim to find out the suitable variety & optimum time of sowing in Palnadu region of Andhra Pradesh. Among the four different varieties, TNPM-230 recorded higher yields when compared to TNAU-202, TNAU-151 & Co-5. The crop sown during 1st fortnight of October performed better than 2nd fortnight of October & 1st fortnight of November With respect to dates of sowing. There is no interaction effect between varieties and different dates of sowing on yield and yield attributing characters in Proso millet.