Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Novel bio-regenerative Tool for Mastitis in dairy animals: A Review
Introduction Mastitis is a complex multi-etiological disease that has emerged as a major challenge impacting the welfare of dairy cattle across the globe. It accounts for about 40% of the total direct costs of the common production diseases [1]. Mastitis…
Registration of Plant Genetic resources and their procedures, Farmers Rights- An overview
1.Introduction At the beginning of the 2000s, the Indian seed sector has been exposed to intellectual property rights (IPRs). Before the IPR period, public sector technologies and variants were generally in the public domain and could be accessed by anyone….
Association studies on soybean [Glycine max (L.)] Merrill] germplasm accessions for yield and yield attributing traits
Introduction Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) is a self-pollinated crop with a natural outcrossing rate of 0.03-6.32 percent [1].The soybean is indigenous to northeast Asia, particularly China.World soybean production was estimated as 385.527 million tonnes. Brazil ranks first in soybean…
Marker Assisted pedigree breeding for improvement of an elite rice variety RNR 15048 (Telangana Sona) for Bacterial Leaf Blight and Blast resistance
Introduction Rice is the most extensively studied crop among cereals because of its global significance as a food crop being the main staple food for more than half of the world’s population. In Asia, 60% of the earth’s people live…
Histo-morphological observation on the Skin, Liver, Spleen, and Kidney of Checkered keelback (Xenochrophis piscator) of Assam
INTRODUCTION The checker keel back is also known as Asiatic water snake and it is non venomous snake. The snake is endemic to Asia. They are limbless reptiles. They move their body by lateral undulation. The Assamese name of this…
Review An Investigation of The Effects of Macro and Micro elements on the Production of High-Quality Seed
Introduction Seeds available in the market are often very poor in quality in respect of germination, varietal purity, seed viability etc. The scarcity of quality seeds of crops in India during growing season is important issue till now due to…
Fertilizer prescription model through soil test crop response approach for carrot (Daucus carota) on an Alfisols of Southern India
Introduction The benefits of increased use of fertilizers in achieving higher targets of food grain production is very well established. However, practicing farming with high-yielding crop varieties under present fertilizer constraints due to their ever-increasing prices, a viable proposition would…
Comparison and economic analysis of artificial insemination and natural service practices in Murrah buffalo: A comprehensive field study
Introduction The livestock sector contributes significantly to the Indian national economy, and its growth rate is expanding. This sector generated 5.21 % of the total Gross Value Added, which is around 28.36 % of the agriculture and allied sector GVA [1]. In the…
Role of Allelopathy in Weed control-A review
Weeds are most serious problem in Agriculture. (Tull, 1731) used the term “weed” for unwanted plants in his book “Horse-hoeing Husbandry”. A plant that originated under a natural environment and in response to (human) imposed and natural environments evolved and…