Effect of Weed Management on the Growth, Yield, and Quality of Summer Maize
A field experiment was conducted during the summer, 2019 at the N.M.College of Agriculture Farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujaratto finds effective weed management practices in summer maize cultivation.The results revealed significantly higher grain and straw yield (6473 and 8041…
Micro and Macro Anatomical Studies of Spleen at Different Stages of Development in Pati Duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) of Assam.
In Assam, the Pati duck has recently been accepted as a breed that is reared by people in rural and semi-urban areas. Pati ducks produce 70-95 eggs in a year. Not much research work has been done on the lymphoid…
Anatomical Studies on the Testes and Epididymis of Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus)
The asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) is the largest forest-dwelling bear in the Himalayan region. They are also called moon bears due presence of half-moon-shaped markings in the pectus. They undergo hibernation during the winter season. They are omnivore animals….
Salinity amelioration and plant growth promotion by Paenibacillus castaneae in tomato
Abiotic stressors such as salt, drought, and temperature have all had a negative impact on agriculture. These are important impediments to global sustainable agriculture [1]. The major abiotic stress conditions of concern are light, temperature, drought, salinity, soil, air, and…
Sugarcane Clones for soil moisture stress / drought conditions of Andhra Pradesh
In India UP, Karnataka and Maharashtra are the three states that accounted for more than 80% of Indian sugar production [3]. AP stands 11th position in area and production and 10th position in productivity in the country [2]. Sugarcane is…
Impact of Genetic and Environment onCognitive Proficiency of Twins: Early Childhood
Introduction Advanced neuroscience research has sharpened focus on the importance of the classical twin study in understanding brain structure and cognitive proficiency [4]. Twins are nature’s living laboratories. The twin study provides important information regarding the genetic basis of composite…