Genetic and Environment Analysis for General Intelligence of Twins during Early Childhood

IntroductionThe intelligence of an individual consist of the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experiences [13]. Intelligence is significant scientifically as well as socially. Intelligence is the ability to learn…

Impact of Genetic and Environment onCognitive Proficiency of Twins: Early Childhood

Introduction Advanced neuroscience research has sharpened focus on the importance of the classical twin study in understanding brain structure and cognitive proficiency [4]. Twins are nature’s living laboratories. The twin study provides important information regarding the genetic basis of composite…

Genotype × Environment interaction and seasonal stability analysis for various quantitative traits in knolkhol (Brassica oleracea var gongylodes L.)

Introduction Knolkhol (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.), belonging to the family Brassicaceae 2n=18, is a cool-season vegetable crop. The edible knob, generated by the thickening of stem tissue above the cotyledon, is a soft, fleshy larger stem formed immediately above…

Effect of different sources, levels and methods of zinc application with bio inoculant on zinc transformation and soil chemical properties of maize in Alfisols

. Introduction Maize is an important grain crop for human and animal consumption. It is called the “Queen of Cereals” for its tremendous production potential. Maize is nutrient-responsive and adaptable to varied soil and climate conditions. About 66% of maize…

Heterotic Studies For Yield and Yield Components Coupled with Stem Rot Resistance in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Introduction: Groundnut is well known important oilseed crop in the world and in India because of its economic importance. The seed is comprised of 40-54 per cent oil, 25-28 per cent protein and 18 per cent of carbohydrates in addition…