Genetic Diversity with respect to thermal indices and grain yield in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Introduction Rice (Oryza sativa L) is a heat-loving hydrophyte and is the staple food crop for more than 55 % of the global population. It is the principal cereal crop in south-east Asian countries, where 90 % of the world’s…
Evaluation of Pointed Gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) varieties by keeping using native pollinators boxes under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse
INTRODUCTION The perennial pointed gourd (TrichosanthesdioicaRoxb.), 2n=2x=22 is a highly nutritious cross pollinated cucurbit vegetable and is highly coveted in markets of our country, particularly during summer and rainy seasons. The pointed gourd is morphologically distinct from other cucurbitaceous species…
Performance Analysis of Farmer Producers Company in promotion of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants cultivation: A Case Study in Bihar
INTRODUCTION India exports herbal materials and medicines to the tune of nearly 600 corers annually [1]. The market of medicinal and aromatic herbs are estimated to touch around 5 trillion US dollars by 2050 [2], thereby making this sector…
Impact of Mechanization under Maize Cultivation in Karimnagar District of Telangana State, India for Enhanced Profitability
INTRODUCTION Maize, is considered the queen of cereals because of its huge utility as food, feed and fodder apart from its use as raw material in industries and for biofuel production and it can play a vital role in ensuring…
Development of novel SNP/InDel markers through amplicon sequencing in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)
Introduction Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet, Fabaceae) is one of the oldest cultivated plants, with records dating back to 1500 BC in India [1]. The plant is presently grown throughout tropical regions in Asia and Africa either as mono-crop…
Phytochemical Studies in Capparis divaricata Lam. leaf extract using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and HPTLC Fingerprinting
INTRODUCTION Medicinal plants have a long history of use in folk medicine and continue to be used in many countries for the treatment of various diseases. With the growing awareness of the importance of optimal nutrition and health, people are…