Impact of conservation agriculture on soil properties and crop yields: A review
There is sufficient evidences that the persistent use of conventional farming practices through extensive tillage practices, especially, when combined with removal or in-situ burning of crop residues is, though, high yielding but costly and environmentally unsustainable. It causes soil erosion…
Reverse Breeding and Geneticsfor Targeted Heterosis and Functional PlantGenomics
Introduction The most expected outcome of the heterosis breeding program is to get a hybrid superior in traits of interest i.e., yield, quality, and growth characteristics. But this statement is not true for always. In addition, they can be inferior…
Fish Meal and other Alternatives in the Diet of Fish
Introduction Fishmeal is a common term used to describe a nutrient-rich fish ingredient that is predominantly employed in the diets of both terrestrial and aquatic animals. Fish meal is crushed and powder is made from the cooked flesh of fish….
Market and Market Potential: A Conceptual Paper
STATEMENT AND DECLARATION: There is no any kind of ethical issues involved like etiquette, fraudulent publication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship, and potential for conflict of interest. COMPETING INTERESTS: Authors have no known competing financial interests OR non-financial interests OR personal relationships…
Industrial Solid Waste as A Source of Nanomaterial Synthesis
1. Introduction There is an alarming problem relating to environmental pollution caused by industrialization and urbanization, which is considered one of the most significant issues of the 21st Century. Industrialization is one of the most critical aspects of building an…
Strategies for the Development of Resistance against Banana Bunchy Top Disease
INTRODUCTION Banana (Musa paradisiaca) is the most popular commercial fruit crop grown worldwide and serves as a staple food in many countries [1]. Banana production and export worldwide are affected by many viral diseases such as banana bunchy top disease…
Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Novel bio-regenerative Tool for Mastitis in dairy animals: A Review
Introduction Mastitis is a complex multi-etiological disease that has emerged as a major challenge impacting the welfare of dairy cattle across the globe. It accounts for about 40% of the total direct costs of the common production diseases [1]. Mastitis…