Table of Contents - Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023

Genetic and Environment Analysis for General Intelligence of Twins during Early Childhood

Annu and Bimla Dhanda

Views Count: 353
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Genetic and Environmental Diversity in Verbal and Non-verbal Intelligence of Twins from 3-5 years

Annu1 and Bimla Dhanda2*

Views Count: 508
PDF Downloads: 16

Cost Analysis of Small-Scale Dairy Farming in Kallakurichi District of Tamil Nadu, India

Annadurai Rajadurai1* and Rajamani Ganesan2 and Ramasamy Selvakkumar3

Views Count: 620
PDF Downloads: 8

Morpho-Anatomical and Phytochemical Studies on Corchorus capsularis (L)

D. Mallesh1* and G. Prabhakar2 and P. Kamalakar1

Views Count: 515
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Eucalyptus oil nanoemulsion as potent ovicidal and pupicidal agent against Aedes aegypti Linnaeus

Navkiran Kaur and Devinder Kaur Kocher*

Views Count: 456
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A Review on Evolutionary Trends in Sensory Profile Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages

Gurvinder Singh Kocher and Keshani Bhushan*

Views Count: 576
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Precocious Udder In A Pre-Weaned Jersey Calf: A Novel Paradigm

Ankit Ahuja1 and Amit Sharma2 and Deepti Sharma3 and Surender Kumar1 and Pankaj Sood2

Views Count: 401
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