Sugarcane Clones for soil moisture stress / drought conditions of Andhra Pradesh
Mukunda Rao Ch1 , Rao P.S.1 , Charumathi M.2 , Adilakshmi D.2 , Chitkala Devi.T3 , Bharathalakshmi M3
1Department of Crop Physiology, Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University, RARS, Anakapalle-531001, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
2Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University, RARS, Anakapalle-531001, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
3Department of Agronomy, Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University, RARS, Anakapalle-531001, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
4Department of Post harvest technology (Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Anakapalle), (Andhra Pradesh), India
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Fifteen pre-release sugarcane clones were tested against sugarcane varieties 87A 298 and 83V 15 as checks for their suitability to early planted conditions (January planting) under moisture stress/drought at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle during 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23. Sugarcane clones tolerant to moisture stress is the need of the hour as sugarcane yields are drastically reducing due to moisture stress/drought. Field experiments were conducted with stress and non-stress treatments for the evaluation of sugarcane clones’ tolerance to soil moisture stress/drought. Among fifteen pre-release sugarcane clones tested sugarcane clones 2015A 51 (96.06 t/ha), 2015A 233 (94.14 t/ha), 2015A 183 (89.12 t/ha) and 2015A 93 (84.09 t/ha) recorded higher cane yield over other clones tested. The standards 87A 298 and 83V 15 recorded a cane yield of 73.02 t/ha and 85.076 t/ha which are lower than the superior clones. These clones also recorded significantly low SLA which indicates more photosynthetic assimilates per unit area. SPAD/SCMR values at 120 DAP under stress conditions (summer). These sugarcane clones also recorded significantly higher SPAD/SCMR values with standard 87A 298. The ancillary data denoting stress tolerance like sheath moisture per-cent, root spread area, total bio-mass production per stool under stress, and physiological parameters like leaf- proline content is also high in these sugarcane clones. Based on three years of findings, sugarcane clones 2015A 51, 2015A 233, 2015A 183 and 2015A 93 were found to be suitable for drought/soil moisture stress conditions of cane cultivation based on cane yield, ancillary data, and physiological traits in relation to moisture stress tolerance. The drought tolerance efficiency per-cent was high in 2015A 59 (92.08%) followed by 2015A 233 (89.33%) and 2015A 93 (87.98%) over other clones tested. The standards 87A 298 and 83V 15 recorded a drought tolerance efficiency per cent of 72.27and 67.52 respectively.
Keywords: Moisture stress/drought/limited irrigations, CSI (Chlorophyll Stability Index), SPAD/SCMR, leaf proline, cane yield, Membrane injury index, percent juice sucrose, root spread area, Number of millable canes and Fibre per cent.
In India UP, Karnataka and Maharashtra are the three states that accounted for more than 80% of Indian sugar production [3]. AP stands 11th position in area and production and 10th position in productivity in the country [2]. Sugarcane is grown under soil moisture stress/drought conditions in sizeable areas under early planting (December – January) in North Coastal districts in addition to rainfed cane cultivation. Nearly 40-50% of cane cultivation of the North Coastal zone is under moisture-stress conditions/rainfed cane cultivation. The crop experiences moisture stress at all crop growth stages. Moisture stress affects germination, cane length, cane diameter, single cane weight, cane elongation, biomass production, NMC, and cane yields under early planted rainfed conditions [13], [14] [11]. The relative water content (RWC) of sugarcane leaves of susceptible varieties to drought is lower than the tolerance once [15]. An abiotic or biotic stress in the growing phase in the period of rapid growth, cane drastically reduces the yield as well as affects the potential
* Dr. Ch. Mukunda Rao, Principal Scientist (Crop Physiology), RARS, Anakapalle – 531 001, A.P
1 Dept. of Crop Physiology, 2. Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding 3. Dept. of Agronomy 4. Dept. of Post harvest technology (Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Anakapalle)
for regrowth and longevity of sugarcane crop [5]. The cane yields obtained are ranged from 40 – 45 t/ha under moisture stress conditions of Andhra Pradesh. SPAD/SCMR values, SOD values and carbon isotope discrimination values indices of moisture stress tolerance in field conditions [9]. In tolerant clones, high values of SPAD and other ancillary parameters with cane yield of sugarcane were recorded high under moisture stress conditions [16] [7]. Under drought management sugarcane variety also plays an important role along with other management practices to mitigate the yield loss to some extent [10].
In A.P., sugarcane varieties 87A 298 and 2003V 46 are the leading varieties occupying a considerable area of sugarcane which were released nearly 15 years back. Now due to degeneration of existing good varieties, there is a dire need of ample number of new sugarcane varieties especially with drought tolerance and higher cane yield and quality. Abiotic stresses are common factors lowering yields of AP. Under these circumstances, this study was initiated with 15 pre-release sugarcane clones with an objective to identify sugarcane clones tolerance to moisture stress/drought during crop season especially of the formative stage of sugarcane which coincides with summer and maturity stage which coincides with the winter season.
Fifteen promising pre-release clones were studied with 87A 298 as check variety under early planted moisture stress conditions at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle during 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 for three years. The design adopted was RBD with 2 replications. Each clone was planted in six rows of eight meters in length with a spacing of 80 cms between rows. The date of planting was in the month of January 2020, 2021 and 2022. Moisture stress I0 treatment was imposed by withholding irrigation from March, 15th except two life irrigations at 10 DAP and 40 DAP till harvesting of sugarcane, where as check I1 (Normal) treatment was imposed by need-based monthly one irrigation from planting to harvesting of cane. Trash mulching @ 3 t/ha was done at 3rd day after planting. Soils are of light to medium texture with low to medium N and medium P and K nutrient status. Crop was raised by following all good management practices. Management of early shoot borer and white fly was carried out by spraying Monocrotophos @ 1.6ml/lt and biologically controlled using Trichocards. A fertilizer dose of 112 kg N + 100 kg P2O5 + 120 Kg K2O/ha was adopted. Nitrogen was applied into two equal splits at 45 and 90 DAP, (and ×) P and K was applied as basal. Detrashing and spreading of dried leaves was carried out in between two rows to conserve soil moisture after the cessation of rains (November month). Data was recorded on cane yield, per-cent juice sucrose, ancillary data [6] and NMC at harvest, SCMR values at 120 DAP and leaf proline at 120 DAP were recorded by adopting standard procedures [4], duly following soil moisture data at the formative stage during summer months. Statistical analysis was carried out by methods given by [12].
The analyzed data on cane yield, yield components and other quality parameters with ancillary day are given in Table 1, 2, 3 & Fig D. The results obtained are presented on character-wise. The weather parameters including soil moisture data was given for 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 in Table A, B & C. The soil moisture was low in stress treatment when compared to irrigation treatment in the months of soil sampling. The rainfall pattern during the sugarcane crop season at RARS, Anakapalle (2020, 2021, 2022) was given in figures A, B, C emphasizing the stress period at March 15th to June 15th (formative stage) and October 15th to January 15th (Maturity stage).