Herbicidal combinations for management of complex weed flora and economic analysis in garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Ankush Sharma1 , Shivam Sharma2 , D.R. Chaudhary2 , S.S. Rana3 , Neha Sharma2 , Ketan2 , Ankita Chauhan4 , Anuj Choudhary5 , Sunil Kumar Gola6 , Babanjeet7 , Bhumika Sharma7 , Shubham Sharma8, 8 , Ashish2
A field investigation was conducted at Vegetable Farm, CSK HPKV, Palampur during rabi, 2021-22 & 2022-23 to infer the suitable pre/ post-emergence herbicide(s) or their combination for the management of complex weed flora in garlic (Allium sativum L.). The major weed flora was Spergula arvensis (27.7 %), Tulipa asiatica (22.6 %), Coronopus didymus (19.2 %), Veronica sp. (8.4 %), Euphorbia sp. (8.4 %) and Phalaris minor (7.3 %). Out of 12 combinations, weed-free (4 HW) and oxyfluorfen 120 g/ha (pre-emergence) most effectively reduced the weed count and dry matter. The highest weed control efficiency of 86.19 % was obtained from weed-free (4 hand weeding i.e., HW). In addition, oxyfluorfen 120 g/ha (pre-emergence) fb quizalofop ethyl 50 g/ha (post-emergence) + 1 HW proved best in significantly higher bulb yield (10.8 t/ha), gross (₹ 3,84,433) and net (₹ 3,71,137) returns due to weed control. The treatment, oxyfluorfen 150 g/ha (pre-emergence) fb quizalofop ethyl 60 g/ha (post-emergence) gave the highest marginal benefit-cost ratio (MBCR) of 58.16. Overall, the results of both seasons were in close conformity with one another at which weed-free (4 HW) and oxyfluorfen 120 g/ha (pre-emergence) fb quizalofop ethyl 50 g/ha (post-emergence) + 1 HW were the best options to obtain higher bulb yield and management of complex weed flora in garlic.